
Mo:09:00 - 13:00
Di:09:00 - 19:00
Mi:09:00 - 13:00
Do:09:00 - 16:00


Mo:09:00 - 13:00
Di:09:00 - 19:00
Mi:09:00 - 13:00
Do:09:00 - 16:00

FemQueer: Gender equality in adult education

Togehter with Verein  Männer Geschlechterthemen and Peace Institut we are cooperating to open a dialog for gender equality in adult education and find suitable ways how to take in common positions that do not exclude any group.

Gender equality in adult education is being promoted by knowledge exchange, getting to know different feminist and queer theories and concepts. All partners are raising their awareness and improving the competence of trainers, project employees and project managers according to gender equality.

Other organizations acting in adult education are being engaged in workshops and lectures and are benefitting as well by raising awareness and improving competences for gender equality.

Workshops and lectures are held in Austria and Slovenia, some of them online via zoom. If you are interested to join, please contact us.

Foto Projektteam
FemQueer project team • 2024

Recordings of FemQueer online lectures

Click on the picture or the link below to be redirected to YouTube for a recording of Mart Busche’s online on the topic Critique on heteronormativity – straight forward against the binaries.

Click on the picture to be redirected to YouTube for a recording of Daniela Jauk-Ajamie’s lecture on the topic FLINTA* and TERF and their impact on adult education.

FemQueer strategy paper

Here you can find our strategy paper “How to? Designing learning spaces inclusively and illuminating gender diversity” in German and English language. Have fun reading it and implementing the tips and methods for adult education:

For futher information on the project, please contact:

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